Buy Some Time

Stressed Man covered in post it notes with all he has to do

Extract from 100 Ways to Simplify Your Life by Joyce Meyer, chapter 59

“Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out.”  RONALD REAGAN

To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1

Does time feel shorter and shorter to you, even when you make the effort to plan ahead?  If a shortage of time is your problem, then you might consider buying some.  I don’t mean you can get more than a 24-hour day from the shopping mall, but you can buy yourself some time to do what you need to do by paying someone else to do some of the things that have to be done but don’t necessarily have to be done by you.  If you overwork and have long term stress you may end up spending the money on medicine anyway.  Most of us immediately think we cannot afford to pay people to help us, but is that really true, or do we merely resist new thinking in these areas?

Some people have even said to me, “I should be able to get this done” or, “I just wouldn’t feel right spending money on help.”  Perhaps you should ask yourself, why not?  Some people just refuse to spend the money, so adamant about it they are willing to let their health or their family suffer for it.  I believe we should be frugal, but not cheap.  We may have to spend some money in order to make more money.  We may have to seek help in some areas so we can thrive in the areas God wants.

People often desire to do new and exciting things, but they get stuck in an old way of thinking that prevents progress.  We may think about all the things in life we want to do and even feel we are supposed to do but, instead, we get frustrated because we do not have the time.  Those things may never get done unless we swallow our pride and buy some time.

I once did a lot of tasks I now pay someone else to do.  If I didn’t, I wouldn’t even be writing this book right now because I would not have the time.  If you need to simplify, this may be the answer you are looking for.  Buy some time and buy your life back.

© Joyce Meyer 2007
Used by kind permission of Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, Publishers